Omaha Golf Outing 2023
Benefiting Great Commission Outreach
The Details
Eagle Hills Golf Course
501 Eagle Hills Dr, Papillion, NE 68133
8/2/2023 9am
Modified Shotgun Start
$125 for individual golfer - CLICK HERE TO REGISTER AS AN INDIVIDUAL
$500 for team of 4 - CLICK HERE TO REGISTER AS A GROUP
Each Golf Ticket Includes:
Driving Range
18 Holes of Golf with Cart
Player Swag Bag
Award Ceremony including Lunch
Not able to attend but still want to donate? Donate Here.
$250 Tee & Green Sponsor
Includes signage on one tee box OR green throughout the course
$500 Team Sponsor
Includes 18 holes of golf for 4 with cart
$750 Par Package Sponsor
Includes one golf team package and a Tee & Green Sponsor
$750 Hole- In-One Sponsor
Includes table or special sign
$850 Swag Bag Sponsor
Includes exclusive sponsorship with sponsor's logo on the gift item distributed to every participant at the outing. The sponsor can distribute approved promotional gift items to golfers
$1,000 Exclusive Sponsor
Includes exclusive sponsorship of all four "on the course" contests:
Womens Longest Drive
Mens Longest Drive
Closest to the Pin
Longest Putt